3 of 9 early style Westinghouse (1948-1952) fixtures on bank building
Westinghouse OV-20 cast aluminum fixture w/ U-bolt pipe slipfitter on convenience store in Portsmouth, NH
Westinghouse OV-25 with remote street series isolation transformer (green porcelain insulators used to identify series circuits)
Westinghouse Fixture, Taughton, Mass.
Westinghouse 175 Watt Mercury Fixture (1965)
Westinghouse OV-20 400 Watt MV, Late 1950s
Westinghouse OV-20 400 Watt Mercury Fixture (circa 1948-1952)
Westinghouse OV-20 w/ GE photocontrol (ca. late 1950s)
Westinghouse OV-25 Separate Ballast (1963)
Westinghouse OV-50 w/ Fisher Pierce Tube Photocontrol (ca. 1957)